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Posts Tagged ‘High Speed Rail Link Laos’

12th January 2011

Those interested in conducting business in the region of Southeast Asia may be interested to note that the country of Laos (officially referred to as the Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic) has recently announced the opening of a stock exchange. To quote directly from a recent article on the website of the BBC:

The Lao Securities Exchange opened for business on Tuesday with trading in just two companies.

The country, sandwiched between Vietnam and Thailand, is one of the world’s poorest nations.

It is hoped that the stock exchange will help raise $8bn (£5.1bn) in equity and bond sales to fund investment in the country.

The Laos exchange is initially offering shares in two state-owned companies, Electricite du Laos Generation company and Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao.

The volume of the first day’s trading was thin, about 2.14bn kip ($265,000; £170,000).

Although the exchange itself is small in comparison to that of the United States, the United Kingdom, or even the Kingdom of Thailand it is likely that this move will lead to further business opportunities for foreign investors looking to conduct business in Laos. Hopefully, this announcement will also usher in an era in which Laos plays a more dynamic role in the region. As a landlocked country with a relatively small population and few capital resources it can be inferred that Laos’ best hope for creating jobs and improving the overall economic situation in the country will come through the accrual of foreign capital in the form investment and subsequent usage of that capital in ways that will be both constructive and profitable.

Laos is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In recent months members states of ASEAN have seen a great deal of change in the economic realm as the United States dollar has weakened due, at least in part, to “quantitative easing” measures promulgated by the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, the Chinese Yuan has been getting stronger as the Chinese economy continues to show strong growth. These factors, along with others, have resulted a great deal of uncertainty about the future complexion of business in Southeast Asia.

It should also be noted that Chinese News Services have recently reported that Bangkok will be home to a new $1.5 billion Chinese trade complex. This news comes on the heels of the announcement that China, Laos, and Thailand will eventually be connected via high-speed rail link. Hopefully, all of these factors, in conjunction with the additional capital generated by the Lao exchange, will coalesce into a highly favorable business climate for China, Thailand, Laos, and all of the other member nations of the ASEAN community.

For related information please see: US Visa Laos.

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