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Posts Tagged ‘Attending Law School’

9th October 2010

For some, Law School is a fascinating journey  of academic achievement. Meanwhile, for others it can be an ever spiraling path of continuous sophistry and frustration. That said, those thinking of attending American law school should do meticulous research, understand the legal profession, and assess the costs prior to submitting an application or entering a course of study of the law. This author recently came across an interesting piece posted on To quote directly from this posting:

Law school offers up some amazing educational opportunities for those hoping to pursue work in the legal field. However, it clips along at a grueling pace and involves intensive work loads – a situation not everyone will find appealing. Those considering law school as a career path need to understand every positive and negative facet of the 3 demanding year before committing to sending in that first application. Anyone still up for the challenge knowing some of the major setbacks and issues should certainly pursue it!

The study of law can be intense and costly for those in the United States (other countries, including “common law” jurisdictions, have different protocols for attaining licensure as a legal professional). With that in mind, the aforementioned web posting takes the opportunity to “accentuate the negative” of law school in an effort to to provide balanced insight into the process by which laypeople becoming attorneys in the United States. Hopefully, by reading the information contained on that webpage, and the pages it links to, individuals thinking about a legal career can make informed decisions prior to making irrevocable changes to their lifestyle and/or financial situation.

The study and practice of law can be noble endeavors, but the law can be a cruel mistress, metaphorically, as legal reasoning and the paradigms created by legal frameworks can be difficult for some to fully comprehend without rigorous training and study of the theories and policies which underlie the laws and procedures which many Americans take for granted.

Although depicted as rather glamorous by film and television. Many American attorneys feel that the legal profession is more about dedication to client needs rather than attainment of some form of celebrity. Therefore, those interested in the legal profession should really take note of the personal reasons for seeking qualification as initial assumptions about the legal profession can be quickly refuted upon admission to a Law School. Furthermore, the practical application of the law in the “real world” may be very different compared to the academic study of jurisprudence. Therefore, those seeking a legal education are wise to have some sort of career “road map”. A plan such as this does not need to be excessively rigid, but should provide a framework to guide the prospective lawyer as he or she progresses in his or her legal education.

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